General Information

KUIMS is the only medical institution in the world that combines 6 areas of medicine at the same time.

KUIMS received an excellent grade from the Ministry of Health and Welfare in the field of quality of medical care and patient safety.

The first medical institution in the country with three directions, Western Medicine, Korean Medicine and Dentistry, which was certified by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

  • Kyung Hee University Healthcare System – An Important Legacy and a Bright Future for Healthcare Services in Korea

    Kyung Hee University, a bastion of academic excellence and peace, launched Kyung Hee Medical School in 1965 with the aim of achieving the university’s founding philosophy of “creating a world of cultural sophistication”. The school covered medicine, dentistry, korean medicine, pharmacy, and nursing science. Kyung Hee Medical School has since evolved into the Kyung Hee University Medical Division. It now consists of the College of Medicine and Professional Graduate School of Medicine, College of Dentistry and Professional Graduate School of Dentistry, College of Oriental Medicine, College of Pharmacy, College of Nursing Science, and the Graduate School of East-West Medical Science.

  • Patient-Centered Medical Institution Equipped with State-of-the-Art Facilities

    Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong is a patient-centered hospital equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, which provide a new dimension of healthcare services. Kyung Hee University Hospital at Gangdong consists of a Medical Hospital, Dental Hospital, and Korean Medicine Hospital, allowing patients to enjoy quality services from three university hospitals in one location. Providing forward-looking, multidisciplinary services through the combination of of all three medical institutions: Medical Hospital, Dental Hospital, and Korean Medicine Hospital.

    With a total area of almost 80,000 square meters, it has 14 floors above ground in the main building and 4 above ground floors in the annex building, it has a capacity of 800 hospital beds, there are also Specialized Western Medical Centers, Western and Korean Medicine Multidisciplinary Care Center, divided by types of diseases, such as diseases of the brain, joints and spine. You can fully experience the history and traditions of Kyunghee by using the services of Korean Medicine, and Dentistry provides differentiated, reliable and high-quality dental services.

  • Designated as ‘National Safe Hospital’ according to COVID-19 Community Infection Response Strategy

    Kyunghee University Hospital at Gangdong has been designated as a National Safe Hospital where you can receive treatment without worrying about COVID-19. National Safe Hospitals provide a separate treatment system for respiratory disease patients (for both outpatient treatment and hospitalization), so that they absolutely do not interfere with the non-respiratory disease patients. Kyunghee University Hospital at Gangdong is operating a Covid-19 screening station, where samples can be taken, there is a separate outpatient treatment zone for respiratory disease patients and a dedicated COVID-19 ward. In addition, we are strengthening infection control, limiting visits, and strengthening the protection standards of medical staff.

    - Ranked first among Korea’s general hospitals in the patient experience assessment conducted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare

    - Obtained 1st Grade in the cancer treatment adequacy assessment conducted by the Ministry of Health and Welfare

    - A front runner in the surgical treatment of the most challenging diseases such as cancer, cranial nerve disorders, and cardiac disorders

    - Specializing in complex transplant operations including kidney transplants, cornea transplants, and living-donor liver transplants

    - Operating the world’s most cutting-edge robotic surgery system

    - A smart hospital that maximizes patient convenience through innovative medical infrastructure

    - KUIMS International Healthcare Center - A Global Brand Trusted by Patients around the World

    - Providing forward-looking, multidisciplinary services through the combination of Medical Hospital, Dental Hospital, and Korean Medicine Hospital

    - Korean Medicine Hospital that boasts number one brand power and pushes the boundaries of oriental medicine

    - Dental Hospital that has a wealth of expertise and services tailored to the individual needs of patients

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