Admission/Discharge procedure

  • Admission procedure

    • 01

      Admission decision
    • 02

      Admission procedure and Reservation
    • 03

      Completion of Admission Procedure
    • 04

      Interim Payment
  • Admission decision

    • - After the outpatient treatment, if your doctor decides on your hospitalization, please get the issued admission form and visit the Admission desk on the 1st floor for further processing.
  • Admission procedure and Reservation

    Admission on the day of visit

    • - Admission procedure takes place on the 1st floor at the Admission desk. Read the provided Hospitalization Agreement document, fill it out and provide the necessary information, such as joint guarantor etc.
    • - A joint guarantor can be the householder or an adult with official employment. (Not applicable for minors) Submit the written Hospitalization Agreement and health insurance card together to the Admission desk.

    Reservation for Admission

    • - If it is difficult to be hospitalized on the same day due to a lack of hospital beds or due to personal circumstances, it is imperative to make a reservation for admission.
    • - If you have made a reservation for hospitalization due to a lack of hospital beds, you will be contacted by phone in the morning of the same day that the preferred room type becomes available.
    • - If you are scheduled for surgery, be sure to visit the Admission desk in the morning of your expected hospitalization date.
  • Completion of Admission Procedure

    • - Upon completion of the admission process, you will receive the Inpatient Guidelines, submit it to the ward nurse, the nurse in charge will explain all necessary information about inpatient life
    • - If you have any questions regarding hospitalization, please call 02)440-6771~72
  • Payment Method


    • - On weekdays, payment can be made at the Discharge desk on the 1st floor. (Working hours are from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm).
    • - At night and holidays, payment can be made at the Reception desk of the Emergency Medical Center on the 1st basement floor (B1)

    Online Payment

    • - Account number: Hana Bank 545-910001-04204 (Recipient: Kyunghee University Hospital at Gangdong).
    • - After remittance, please check your deposit details at the Discharge desk.
    • - If you have any questions regarding payment, please call 02)440-6773~74
  • Interim Payment

    • - Interim bills for medical fees are distributed directly to the patient at the ward, once a week during the hospitalization period. The invoice must be paid within 2 days after receipt.
  • Discharge procedure

    • 01

      Discharge decision
    • 02

      Discharge Procedure
    • 03

      Completion of Discharge procedure
  • Discharge decision

    • - A discharge is determined the day before the actual discharge date.
    • - The exact amount of payment can be found out only on the day of discharge after a full review and confirmation will be made by the inspection team.
  • Discharge Procedure

    • - On the day of discharge, the nurse in charge at your ward will guide you through the discharge procedures.
    • - Please pay the medical expenses after receiving a bill at the Discharge desk on the 1st floor.
  • Completion of Discharge procedure

    • - Upon completion of the discharge procedure, you will be given a receipt (Record of Appointment), which must be presented to the nurse's office in the ward.
    • - After receiving the medication, you can go home following the nurse's instructions.
    • - If you have any questions, please contact the Admission and Discharge Department. 02-440-6773~4
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