Korean Medicine

  • Korean Medicine Package

    「Boyang」 Treatment Experience Premium Program (₩ 1,000,000)

    • - Examinations for "Suseunghwagang" treatment Package
    • - "Boyang" Acupuncture set (3 times)
    • - General/electro acupuncture, Pharmacopuncture, Moxibustion, Aromatherapy, Infra-red therapy
    • - Herbal-medicine (Premium) + 供辰丹(GongJin-Dan) for 1 week

    「Boyang」2-week Treatment Premium Program(₩ 1,700,000)

    • - Examinations for "Suseunghwagang" treatment Package
    • - "Boyang" Acupuncture set (6 cycle)
    • Infra-red therapy, Electro-acupuncture, Moxibustion therapy, Pharmaco-acupuncture, Aromatherapy,
    • - Herbal-medicine (Premium) + 供辰丹(GongJin-Dan) for 1 week

    • 供辰丹(GongJin-Dan)
    • - GongJin-Dan is a multi-herbal formula, which is composed of valuable herbal ingredients such as deer antlers.
    • - GongJin-dan is known as one of the most effective herbal medicine for fatigue, general weakness and deteriorated immunity.
  • INTRODUCTION of Facial Cosmetic Program

    Facial Cosmetic Acupuncture (FCA)

    • - Natural skin rejuvenation
    • - Increases collagen production and elasticity
    • - Results may last from 2 to 5 years

    Needle Embedding Therapy (Thread Face Lifting)

    • - Uses absorbable thread
    • - Maximize skin cell regeneration
    • - Eliminate wrinkles

    Skin regeneration (Including cleansing, Massage, Pack)

    • - Rapid skin regeneration to create new skin cells
    • Effect_of_Facial_Cosmetic_Acupuncture_on_Facial_Elasticity_An_Open-label,_Single-arm_Pilot_Study PDF
  • Magnificent Kyung Hee Herbal Medicine

    • - Kyung Hee University Korean Medicine Hospital at Gangdong uses famous medicinal herbs that are safe from pesticides and heavy metals. Through strict quality control of ingredients that can be toxic if ingested and the regular use of safe raw materials for the manufacture of herbal medicine, problems such as heavy metal pollution, pesticide residues used in plant cultivation, sulfite residue used for long-term storage of plants after they have been collected are solved. Domestic herbal medicines use the best ingredients through contract cultivation with producers, and in principle, they are purchased in the original form due to issues of origin and similar products.
    • - Kyunghee Herbal Medicine processes only raw materials that meet our own quality standards, which are much stricter than the standards of the Korea Food and Drug Administration, and one of the advantages is the easy extraction of herbal medicine, since they are the same size as a fingernail. Kyunghee Herbal Medicines, founded by Kyunghee University to create a clean and safe herbal medicine market culture, contribute to the overall development of oriental medicine through "reliable and safe production of herbal raw materials".
    • - Kyung Hee Herbal Medicine's advanced facilities, equipment, and clean processing methods have become a role model for related fields.
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